We are working towards …
We are aiming to achieve the Bronze Cymraeg Campus award this year, a Welsh Government award scheme to encourage the use of Welsh in English-medium schools. There are ten targets which we are aiming to fulfil.
Targed 1: Establishing a visual Welsh ethos
Targed 2: The Advantages of Learning Welsh
Targed 3: The use of incidental Welsh in the classroom
Targed 4: The use of incidental Welsh outside of the classroom
Targed 5: Welsh in Assemblies
Targed 6: Apps and websites to enhance learning and enjoyment
Targed 7: Enrichment activities
Targed 8: Developing reading
Targed 9: Welsh across the curriculum
Targed 10: A positive attitude
Christ the Word Catholic School will build on the ethos, success and achievements at the core of education provision across the Diocese. It will be a strong and nurturing learning community.
This fantastic new school will help us achieve our goal of providing modern facilities across Denbighshire that further enhance pupils’ learning.
I am delighted that the partnership of Welsh Government, Denbighshire County Council and the Catholic Church will deliver a brand new school to serve the families of Rhyl and the surrounding parishes.